Monday, July 13, 2009

It has only been a few weeks since the last posting, and during this time, aside from SEO activities, I have had the opportunity to implement a new technique to my existing design skills. These techniques are really nothing new, but instead incorporate the implementation of Adobe Illustrator and following this Adobe Photoshop for color rendering and effects. The basic creation of the line art was the first and simplest stage of this creation process. This in turn was followed by bringing this existing line art into Photoshop where various layer and masking techniques were implemented to create what you see here.

It is always interesting to hear peoples reaction to this piece as they, with the exception of just a few individuals, seam rather unimpressed by the results. They seem to indicate that it looks a little to realistic to be impressed by the results. This can, be interpreted as a complement, but from the position of the artist, a little more enthusiasm is always appreciated. As always your feedback is always welcome to this piece or any others posted on this blog or Vorzie Studios home page.

Vorzie Studios is available for graphic and web design projects to the Santa Rosa and surrounding Northern California region. Contact information can be found at the base of our home page at Thank you for your time and interest.